Infosfera No. 1-20

Year I – no. 1 | December 2020
Infosfera | Magazine on innovation, technology and culture 4.0
Edited by Edoardo Imperiale and under the editorial coordination of Cristian Fuschetto, the first issue of Infosfera collects testimonies and analysis on the new living environment generated by the digital revolution and its impact on the national and territorial economic system.
Among the enabling technologies of Industry 4.0,this issue explores the new frontiers of robotics.
They participated in the first issue of Infosphere: Andrea Bianchi, Invitalia’s strategic planning and industrial policy manager, Elio Catania, Senior Advisor and Industrial Policy Advisor to the Minister of Economic Development, Anna Del Sorbo, president of the Small Industry Group of Unione Industriali Napoli, Luciano Floridi, professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information at Oxford University, Vito Grassi, president of the Council of Regional Representations and for Territorial Cohesion Policies of Confindustria and president of Confindustria Campania, Vincenzo Lippiello, professor of Robotics and Automation at the Polytechnic School of the University “Federico II” of Naples; Maurizio Manfellotto, president of Unione Industriali Napoli; Luigi Nicolais, president of Campania Digital Innovation Hub; Piero Salatino, president of MedITech; and Bruno Siciliano, Professor of Controls and Robotics at the University of Naples Federico II.