Infosfera No. 1-22
Year III – no. 1 | March 2022
Infosfera | Magazine on innovation, technology and culture 4.0
Directed by Edoardo Imperiale and under the editorial coordination of Cristian Fuschetto
They contributed to Infosphere issue 1-2022: Anna Ascani, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Economic Development, Mauro Alfonso, managing director and director of Simest, John Baroni, president of Small Industry, Salvio Capasso, head of Services, Business and Territories at Srm, Massimo Deandreis, director general of Srm, Charles Iron, president of ICE – Italian Trade & Investment Agency, Nicholas Lener, Ambassador of Italy to the United Arab Emirates, Doris Messina, head of Banca Sella’s digital evolution strategy, Gianluigi Viscardi, president of the Digital Innovation Hub Lombardia and coordinator of Confindustria’s national network of DIHs.